Carbon Trading and Offsets

Welcome to ZeroGHG Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsetting is a mechanism by which the impact of the emission of a ton of GHGs is neutralised through the implementation of an action elsewhere that will consume or reduce emissions by an equivalent ton of GHGs (learn more).

Benefits to Businesses

  • Distinguish yourself from your competitors. Consumer awareness regarding GHG emissions continues to grow and the environmentally conscious customer differentiates between regular brands and brands that have reduced their carbon footprints.
  • Improve productivity by driving down energy costs. Energy consumption is one of the largest sources of GHG emissions. Implementation of energy conservation projects reduces your carbon footprint and delivers cost reductions.
  • Improve your corporate reputation and demonstrate social involvement in a global issue.
  • Develop environmental GHG-friendly products and leverage market position to attract new customers that are seeking zero footprint alternatives.
  • Improve employee moral, reduce turnover and improve employee performance.

Our Services

Carbon Trading

ZeroGHG can assist in sourcing of carbon allowance units and carbon credits in both regulatory and voluntary market

Carbon Offsets for Individuals

Daily activities such as heating our homes, driving our cars and flying to vacation destinations add to GHG emissions. Let us help offest your emissions and achieve Zero GHG. (more on low-carbon living)

Environmental Consulting

Our team also provides organizations with environmental, engineering and consulting services to help you quantify and reduce you carbon footprint or help you host a Zero GHG event.