Carbon Projects

Carbon Offset Projects

Our primarily concern in selecting our GHG reduction initiatives is project quality. For this reason no less than 80% of funded projects must meet the CDM, Voluntary Gold or Voluntary Carbon standards. Funded projects typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • Energy efficiency: Energy efficient systems or products accomplish a given task at reduced energy consumption. The reduction in energy consumption results in a corresponding reduction in the generation of power through the burning of oil or coal which in turn results in a reduction in the GHG emissions generated. Projects of this type must make use of proven technologies and GHG credits can only be claimed if the offset funding is truly additional and that the project is not otherwise justifiable based on the energy cost savings alone.
  • Renewable Energy: Alterative sources of renewable energy include solar, wind and biomass projects. Projects of this type must be based on proven technologies and must be in the implementation phase.
  • Treatment at Source: Addition of treatment and capture technologies at points of emissions are amongst the most effective techniques of direct GHG reductions at source. Examples include methane emission capture, the installation of NOx treatment equipment on industrial boilers or the installation of afterburners in CFC emitting plants. In order to be considered eligible for offset credits, projects of this type must provide reductions below legally required limits.
  • Carbon Sequestration: Carbon sequestration is the indirect capture of GHGs typically through biological consumption. The most common projects in this category include re-forestation projects. It is generally difficult to accurately estimate the potential GHG reductions associated with such projects. Additionally, these projects do not result in the reduction of GHG generation and thus are ultimately limited in their ability to impact long-term global GHG levels. For these reasons, Zero GHG limits its investments in this category of projects to no more than 10% of the total project portfolio.
  • Emerging Technologies:  One of the stated objectives of Zero GHG is the promotion of technologies with the potential to reduce GHGs particularly in the Canadian market. We thus actively seek emerging technologies that have been at least proven in pilot testing and that have clear potential applications. There is a risk, however, that these technologies do not ultimately deliver the expected reduction or that they are delivered at a later date. Zero GHG thus limits its investments in this category of projects to no more than 10% of the total project portfolio.

ZeroGHG sources its project through direct investments or through the purchase of pooled carbon commodities. Pooled carbon commodities result from the combination of carbon reductions from a variety of sources into an emission trading program. Examples include the European Union Emission Trading System and the Chicago Carbon Exchange.

ZeroGHG project investment activities are published at the end of each fiscal year and are distributed to all offset clients electronically.